Pier Bucci-Familia (Crosstown Rebels)2005
"Towers" MP3
"Tita" MP3
I know, I know, I have been a major slacker with the posts lately but promise to update the site much more frequently now. I have a lot of new music to share so keep checking back and I assure you, more free music for you. *instert excuse here* I was in Costa Rica recently and while relaxing in the 90 degree weather and sipping on Caprinia's, I always had my mp3 player and portable speakers rocking. One album that received some quality beach-play was Pier Bucci's "Familia". This was one of my favorite releases of 2005 and every track is solid. I love how it is very minimal in parts, yet still has that warm, rich feel to it with the minor vocals. I put up 2 tracks to make up for the lack of recent posts. Buy this album, it is worth it.
Resident Advisor said:
Following in the fine footsteps of Ricardo Villalobos and Luciano as Chilean artists to make their mark on the Electronic music scene, Pier Bucci unleashes an album full of quality that should hopefully make people stand and take notice of this talent. Familia is the album and it features 10 nicely crafted productions from the man who grew up in Chilli but now calls Berlin his home.
The album starts off delightfully with the soothing melodies and deep basslines of ‘Tita’. ‘Towers’ is another superb production, full of smooth bass tones, warm pads and crisp beats. ‘The R-8 Mooger’ is quite a moody track while ‘L'Nuit’ is a little tougher with its gritty basslines and twisted percussion. ‘Jesss’ bounces along nicely in a minimal fashion while ‘Hay Consuelo’ turns up the pace a notch with some smooth deep sounds creating a tasty production on the whole. There is a German touch in the retro electric sounds of ‘Cosmic’, a contrast to the smooth pads and flow of ‘Siberian’. There are some delightful melodies on the penultimate track that is ‘Pipostrack’, and there is a nice upbeat feel about the final track, ‘Hydra’, which closes the album off with some nice hi hats, an eerie bassline and some quirky synth sounds
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