Dr. Dre Old School Swap Meet 1987
Also THIS site has info and also download links.
I was sent this mix recently and it further prooves that Dr. Dre is a genius. This Swap Meet mix from 1987 is a taste of what his days as a party rocking DJ were like. This was a time before he was a gangsta rapper and producer with NWA and well before his solo years. The mix is two parts and he covers everything from bboy electrofunk to old school rap, all fused together with cuts, scratches and much skill behind the decks.
You need this one. Trust me.
p.s. Only 5 days until CAMP BISCO!!! I leave wednesday and I am DJing both Friday and Saturday. Disco Biscuits, The Roots, Thievery Corp, RJD2, Juan Maclean, New Deal, Brothers Past, Future Rock (playing the music of Aphex Twin) and many more on the bill. Check it out: CAMP BISCO V in NY
I can safely say that I went through a gigantic Chronic phase throughout a large part of last year. I actually remained respectful to women even after that whole scene. Amazing innit'.
Ben--is that GNR's patience (whistling) at the 5:34 mark?---just curious because that wasn't out until 88. Strange. Thanks for this one and the Greed,Power,Corruption too.
This is my first time back in the Boogaloo in a while and I was pumped about the old school Dre, any way you could refresh the yousendit?
please refresh the yousendit. im in a chronic mood and in need of a fix.
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The mix is two parts and he covers the whole lot from boy electro funk to old educate rap,
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