Lokken and Foss 8/12/06 Live from Sonotheque Part 1
Lokken and Foss 8/12/06 Live from Sonotheque Part 2
Spencer from OL recently played at one of our favorite spots around, Sonotheque, along with our friend Lee Foss. The two talented jocks tag teamed all night and they switched after 4 records all night long. I think Spencer and Lee are two of the finest DJ's Chicago has to offer and here is a chance to hear them dropping their newest tracks which are all smoking. If you have never been to Sonotheque in Chicago, make a point of checking it out. Great soundsystem, great environment, and great music.
I want new Queen Bee Mix! Until then, this is sweet.
nice! the downtempo is phat and solid...and a steady camera this time I see lol. What is the name of the track that begins at the end of part 1 and continues into the opening of part 2? Now if only Ben would come to the west coast...keep up the good work!
travis in santa cruz
my post was referring to Ben's CB5 video below
cool mixes there!
the lokken-foss mix is my fave i think, any chance of a tracklist - theres some seriuosly blinding tracks on it
*two thumbs up*
we'll work on putting a tracklisting up for that one, but it's not going to be easy. stay tuned though!
glad you like it,
if you can sort the list, then i'll look forward to it ;)
nice! the downtempo is phat and solid...and a steady camera this time I see lol. What is the name of the track that begins at the end of part 1 and continues into the opening of part 2? Now if only Ben would come to the west coast...keep up the good work!
I have a presentation next week, and I am on the look for such information.
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