DJ INC- Warm Up Set for Lee Burridge
This DJ mix is one of my favorite DJ mixes ever and a major factor in that is the high level of respect I have for the understanding of the opening act's role. In this case it is DJ INC and this is the second time I have posted about this particular mix (which I heard again today for the first time in ages). What to play, how to play, when to play it, these are questions that we (Orchard Lounge) often ask ourselves when asked to open for somebody. There are many DJs (and bands as well, but I am taking the DJ's stance this time...nawmsayin?) who do not alter their sound or take into account their role for the night when asked to warm up.
I guess I just do not personally see the need to bang it out as hard as you can when the doors open and the headliner doesn't start for a good 3 hours, but that's just me (or is it?) In my opinion, and yes, this is all personal opinion, the opening DJ that understands their role should set the tone for the evening. I personally think it is best when the vibe starts out slow and mellow and gradually picks up pace. As the room begins to fill and the drinks are flowing, the music gains momentum. Those first few hours of the night make a huge difference if played properly and the crowd is properly prepped for the headlining act to hit the decks. There is no need to overpower the headliner when you are booked to warm up for them and that also can annoy the crowd who may not want to listen to 3 hours of heaviness early on. I could insert some sort of sex analogy right here but I will spare you.
This set by Atlanta local, DJ INC, is a perfectly programmed and flawlessly mixed warm up set for Lee Burridge. I think the set is from 10/24/04 but I may have the dates confused. This is the first hour of the night so it is on the minimal, dubby side, a few hours before getting heavy. He uses one of my favorite Big Bud tracks which is not something you hear often in this style. This mix has always inspired me and influenced me in how I think when opening for a DJ or band.
Tempo ATL
I do's very important to establish a good tempo in the first few hours of the night as that will usually set the tone and mood for the night...For those local ATL dj's, go and check out the toyota sponsored event, with whom i work for, yaris versus yaris for all types of dj mix tapes and vote for your favorite one. The show in the ATL will feature a performance from Truck North and Dice Raw of the Roots. First prize is $2000 to the winner so you definitely dont wanna miss out!
Mr INC did a great warm up set, which is a hard thing for most djs to do. I mean, its hard to not be the center of attention but this is something I'm somewhat known for in Birmingham, AL. I present to you my warm-up set for Shiloh in Nov'06. Here:)
Using Ableton Live, totally unplanned & mostly out of key but the folks showing up really dug it:)
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