Audio Files:
Daft Punk- Live at Coachella 2006 Part 1
(Note-The set starts about 3:00 minutes in to part 1)
Daft Punk- Live at Coachella 2006 Part 2
(great quality recording!)
...and a special bonus...
DVD/Video HERE is a link that contains a torrent of a DVD of the set. It is the handheld camcorder shot that has been floating around with this audio synched. THE DVD IS AWESOME!
Never in a million years did I think any set of music could ever top the sequence of acts that I saw at Coachella in a few years ago. The return of the Pixies followed by Radiohead (who I think is the greatest live band in the world) and then Kraftwerk live in the DJ tent to cap it off. I walked away with my brain blown to shreds. The lineup for Coachella 2006 was fantastic but I was not able to make it out this year. One act that I was very curious about is Daft Punk since they hadn't played in the US for close to 8 years. The reclusive and extremely mysterious duo does not play live much at all but always has had a focus on the visual side of the music as well as the audio. Starting with their groundbreaking music videos for "Da Funk" and "Around The World" 10 years ago, the duo has never been limited by boundaries. They later went on to release a Japanese Anime film Interstella 555 to accompany an LP and have recently completed a feature length film to accompany their last album.
Since the visuals are as important as the music to them, I had a feeling they would do something visually stunning for their live set at Coachella. What they pulled off is one of the greatest displays of lights and visuals I have ever seen anyone do (and I have only seen the videos!!) There are numerous video clips of the set on as well as multiple torrents of the set shot with camcorders. Hopefully they will release the set as a professional DVD at some is THAT good. The screen opens up to show a gigantic Pyramid and the duo with full space suits and helmets on and the craziest light show perfectly synched up to the music. The lights rotate in all directions and seem not only shine on all of the huge cubes but actually shine through the cubes from the inside out as well giving the stage a crazy 3D effect. Lasers and smoke pulsate to the beat and the stage makes you feel like you are living out a TRON fantasy. I have a lot of respect for Daft Punk for truly putting on a SHOW and raising the bar as to what can be done in a festival setting to make people walk out of the place blown away.
Here's a different clip that's probably better at showing their amazing visual setup.
Interesting, is the audio as good as BoldCaptains?
nice to see you back to blogging, silver! i'll make to check the site out regular-like now...
can i just say what great quality audio it sounds like an offical recording of the gig, thanks!
Hey guys i thought they played superheroes as well mixed with human afer all?? Any idea where i can get an mp3 of that part?? Cheers
OHMYGOD I WAS THERE!!! It was every bit of awesome you described! EPIC! It went straight to the top of my best-show-ever list!! The set and beats were amazing, but it was their robot bopping heads and light show/glowing pyramid that put them over the top!! THANK YOU for this audio!!! AAAHHH the memories - I'm going to global gathering in the UK to see them again in 28 days! DON'T MISS IT!!!
Oh my word. I should have looked for this sooner. Thanks for the hookup.
Daft Punk ruled so hard at Coachella this year, and I was so fortunate to be able to go. I really went for Tool if nothing else, but everyone was amazing including Daft Punk, Damian Marley and Atmosphere.
I saw Daft Punk last weekend at Rockness in Scotland ( and they were every bit as *amazing* as you say. I'd seen the Coachella clips on YouTube before going, but nothing could have prepared me for how mindblowingly AWESOME they were in real life!
Absolutely incredible. I hear there are already clips up on YouTube of the new gig... =D
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