Simon Posford (Shpongle DJ Mix) 10-24-02 Eilat Desert, Israel-MP3
This is a re-post from last year but quite a few people were asking about Shpongle DJ sets and I happen to love this mix.
"This one won't be up very long so grab it right away. The man, the myth, the legend Simon Posford along with Raja Ram are Shpongle. If you have never heard Shpongle, I highly suggest checking out their albums. The first, "Are You Shpongled?" is an album I consider to be one of the best electronic albums ever produced. It is an extremely influential album and it doesn't sound like anything that has ever been recorded. There is so much going on that when listening with headphones your brain feels like it is on a roller coaster. "Tales of the Inexpressible" had a much more tribal and ethnic vibe to it with many live instruments but still with all of the crazy studio trickery the first album had. The new album is "Nothing Lasts...but Nothing is Lost" and it is coming shortly. This set is great and it is different than the studio albums with a stripped down, dubby sound."
The first part is from OTT
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